Office of Research Integrity and Assurance

Connect Researchers

RCR Project Steering Committee

LaShonda Anthony, Director for Academic Integrity and Initiatives in University Life

Sheri Berkeley, Associate Professor, Division of Special Education and disAbility Research

Kim Eby, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Development and Associate Professor, School of Integrative Studies

Cody Edwards, Associate Provost for Graduate Education and Associate Professor, Biology Department

Rebecca Hartley, Assistant Vice President, Research Integrity and Assurance

Greg Koblentz, Associate Professor and Director of the Master’s in Biodefense and PhD in Biodefense, Schar School of Policy and Government

Karen Lee, Assistant Director, Office of Student Scholarship, Creative Activities, and Research

Germaine Louis, Dean, College of Health and Human Services

Jeff Offutt, Professor, Computer Science

Cathy Tompkins, Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, CHHS, and Associate Professor, Social Work Department

Vita Chalk, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs, CHSS

Julie Zobel, Assistant Vice President, Safety, Emergency, and Enterprise Risk Management

